Tuesday, March 24, 2009


How much is fear controlling you? I started asking myself that question today after realizing how afraid I felt of someone's reaction. I've always thought of fear as "oh I'm afraid of spiders...or heights...or whatever", but now I'm starting to see a new kind of fear pop up in me and in my close friends and family. A deep fear of others' reactions. I started thinking of all the times that I had compromised my honesty because I feared how someone would react. I remembered back on all the times that I've completely disobeyed what God was telling me to do out of fear...God wants us to be fearless. I want that. I want to have the strength to say that I don't care what anyone says or does, I will not compromise on ANYTHING. If God tells me not to do something, I'm not going to do it, period, no matter what anyone else says or thinks. If God tells me to do something and makes it clear that that is His will for me to do it, I WANT TO DO IT. I don't even want to think twice about it. If the thought of "well, what will she say or how will he react?" even comes into my mind, I want to push it out and remember that MY God is more powerful than ANY hateful word or mean reaction. YES...I love knowing that and I want to put it into practice. I ask you today..is there ANYTHING holding you back right now because you're letting fear camp out in your mind? If God told you something crazy to do tomorrow, would you let fear be your first reaction? Think about it...I am.. :)

1 comment:

Francheska said...

hah, so many fears. SO MANY fears. Bible says not to fear ANYTHING except God himself.

No need to fear evil or failure or loss or people. Yet easier said than done!